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Kubernetes DevOps tools

Kubernetes Services

How Can Kubernetes Help Your Business?

Kubernetes (sometimes known as K8) is an open source platform for orchestrating containers which automatizes and schedules deployment, management, and scaling of containers (microservices). Kubernetes is a platform for managing and scaling microservices. The Kubernetes platform is about optimization, which includes automating many of the DevOps processes that had previously been done manually while simplifying… Read More »How Can Kubernetes Help Your Business?


What is Kubernetes Orchestration?

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It allows us to manage containerized applications in a clustered environment. It streamlines DevOps tasks like deployment, configuration, scaling, versioning, and rolling updates. Many of the distributed applications designed with a focus on scalability consist of smaller services called microservices, which hosting and running using… Read More »What is Kubernetes Orchestration?